Locating & Buying Art For Framing Projects in San Diego

Sean’s Framing’s locating art service uses the web as well as several publishers to locate art. Thanks to the publishers we work with we are able to find art for any subject, any style, and any size.

Our Process For Locating Art

We meet with you, we discuss the project, ask questions and find out the kind of art you need and want. We come to your office, business location, anywhere in San Diego County, then are able to figure out the style and the size that compliments the actual decor where the frame and art would be.

After our meeting, we locate several choices and we email the images to you. The customers get to choose images from our selections and we start discussing framing options, we buy and frame the art and then deliver and install the finalized frames.

We Work With Customers In All San Diego County

Are you an interior designer?

Give us a call: 619.246.7547